
Posts Tagged education

L2A Links for January 14th

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L2A Links for December 15th

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L2A Links for September 16th

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L2A Links for July 29th

  • Report: Social Networks Growing while Other Social Media Sites Stagnate and Decline – RWW's sumamry of the interesting report from Universal McCann showing that the holistic social networking sites (Facebook, Orkut) are starting to absorb activity from the niche social media sites (Blogger, Flickr).
  • In the Future, the Cost of Education will be Zero – Josh Catone pulls together a number of great references to argue that: "The marginal cost of education is being driven toward zero due to social media and innovative approaches to online learning like OpenCourseWare, Flat World Knowledge, and the University of the People. That’s because the nature of information is such that it can be created once at cost and distributed and consumed over and over again for free."

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L2A Links for July 21st

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L2A Links for July 7th

  • FREE — Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans from the Federal Government – A nice collection of educational resources available for free from the Federal Government. It will be interesting to see how this and other resources (such as continue to grow as the Feds try to become more open and transparent.
  • Facebook Users Are Getting Older. Much Older. – Watching nech tech go mainstream. Remember whaen e-mail and AOL did the same thing? From the article: "If the iStrategyLabs numbers are correct, Facebook, simply put, is not a young site anymore. Most of the users (20,3 million, or 28.2% overall) on the site belong to the 35 – 54 age group. Compare that to the age group that was once Facebook’s bread and butter – the 18 – 24 group – which is now in third place with 18 million (25.1%) users, behind the 25 – 34 year old group, which makes for 25.2% of Facebook’s user base with 18.1 million users. The number of users aged 55 and over has grown from negligible 950,000 to 5.9 million in mere six months."

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L2A Links for June 18th

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L2A Links for June 8th

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L2A Links for May 18th

  • Progressing Through Change – Resources – Great list of change management and change leadership resources. Includes link to the free online assessment to see how well you are progressing through change.
  • Are URL shortening services wrecking the web? – Wikinomics – Alan Majer voices the same concerns I have about URL-shortening sites building network effects on private networks instead of the public Web. If any of these services went under, I doubt it would break anything, but it might be a painful sprain of the Web’s “coin of the realm” – the link.
  • Drilling Down – Social Networks Eclipse E-Mail – – The social shift has begun. People are now spending more time on social networking sites like Facebook than they are on e-mail. As the Times says, “signaling a paradigm shift in consumer engagement with the Internet.”
  • Understanding how you process information to help you get organized, part I | Unclutterer – Two very interesting posts from Unclutterer have you first identify your primary information processing style and then suggest ways for you to get organized based on that style. From the Site: “How you process information has a strong correlation to how you may want to organize your home and office.”
  • Social Media Blogs Top 200- NOOP.NL – Jurgen Appelo puts together a ranked list of the Top 200 social media related blogs. Great resource for keeping up with all things in social media. Surprised not to see TechCrunch on the list…
  • Connect.ed – The story of a girl | acidlabs – Stephen Collins (a colleague down under) puts his engaging spin on how our connected world changes how we think about education and learning. An engaging tour of how learning has changed.
  • Linked Data is Blooming: Why You Should Care – ReadWriteWeb – Great post from Richard MacManus giving an overview of Linked Data and the future direction of the Web. Includes an embed of Tim Berners-Lee talking at TED about the importance of Linked Data.

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L2A Links for April 20th

  • Enterprise 2.0 Blog » Blog Archive » There is No Such Thing as Culture Change – Venk’s original blog post that sparked the debate on culture change (see next bookmark).
  • Venkatesh Rao and Stowe Boyd on E2.0 Culture – Stowe Boyd interview Venkatesh Rao about his keen ability to voice broad generalizations that push peoples buttons and generate conversation in the Enterprise 2.0 space. In his latest he proffers that an organizations’ culture cannot change so it must wait to be destroyed from without instead of changing from within. Scary stuff for all the Organizational Development and Industrial Psychology professionals (not to mention the leaders trying to lead change in their organizations).
  • Why Wikis? : Wikis in Education : THE Journal – Ruth Reynard provides a great overview of how wikis are the latest technology to effectively support the the goals of instruction at various levels

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