
Posts Tagged blogs

L2A Links for May 18th

  • Progressing Through Change – Resources – Great list of change management and change leadership resources. Includes link to the free online assessment to see how well you are progressing through change.
  • Are URL shortening services wrecking the web? – Wikinomics – Alan Majer voices the same concerns I have about URL-shortening sites building network effects on private networks instead of the public Web. If any of these services went under, I doubt it would break anything, but it might be a painful sprain of the Web’s “coin of the realm” – the link.
  • Drilling Down – Social Networks Eclipse E-Mail – – The social shift has begun. People are now spending more time on social networking sites like Facebook than they are on e-mail. As the Times says, “signaling a paradigm shift in consumer engagement with the Internet.”
  • Understanding how you process information to help you get organized, part I | Unclutterer – Two very interesting posts from Unclutterer have you first identify your primary information processing style and then suggest ways for you to get organized based on that style. From the Site: “How you process information has a strong correlation to how you may want to organize your home and office.”
  • Social Media Blogs Top 200- NOOP.NL – Jurgen Appelo puts together a ranked list of the Top 200 social media related blogs. Great resource for keeping up with all things in social media. Surprised not to see TechCrunch on the list…
  • Connect.ed – The story of a girl | acidlabs – Stephen Collins (a colleague down under) puts his engaging spin on how our connected world changes how we think about education and learning. An engaging tour of how learning has changed.
  • Linked Data is Blooming: Why You Should Care – ReadWriteWeb – Great post from Richard MacManus giving an overview of Linked Data and the future direction of the Web. Includes an embed of Tim Berners-Lee talking at TED about the importance of Linked Data.

Posted in: Jeff's Bookmarks

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Enterprise 2.0: The Three-Legged Stool Revisited

In my role as Director of Education Solutions at Web 2.0 University™, I recently updated our outstanding (if I do say so myself) Enterprise 2.0 Bootcamp to include a model I used in earlier knowledge management learning products. I can’t claim the model as my own – it has been around for quite sometime – but I wanted to update it for E2.0. The three-legged stool model is designed to reinforce the importance of processes and culture in the success of E2.0 implementations. Because the technology is primarily “what’s new” in E2.0, it gets most of the attention. But processes and culture are just as important. All three must be balanced for the stool to work properly. So, let’s briefly review the Enterprise 2.0 Three-Legged Stool.
Leg One: TechnologyThe first leg is technology and it has been the primary topic of E2.0 discussion. The innovative platforms and tools of Web 2.0 are being carried into the enterprise. Wikis, blogs, social networks, prediction markets, open APIs and mashups empowered people on the Web and now people want that same power at work (for more info, Dion Hinchcliffe has a great post how E2.0 technologies may fare in 2008). And while we focus much of our discussion on technology, you cannot just “build it and they will come.” You must have the other legs in place for the stool to stand.
stool_two_legs.gifThe second leg is processes. Though usually emergent phenomena, E2.0 solutions needs to establish standard process and procedures in order to be successful. Employees must understand how each of the E2.0 tools works, how it interacts with other tools, and how they are expected to use it. E2.0 tools should be easy to use by definition, but employees will still need to be educated on “how” “why” and “what”. The “how” is an understanding of the tools’ function and features: “How do I use this to be more successful at work?” The “why” is about understanding the benefits to themselves and the larger organization: “Why is it worthwhile for me to use the tool?” The “what” is about understanding what the tool should be (and should not be) used for: “What would I use this tool to do?”
Leg Three: CultureThe third leg is culture. For E2.0 to succeed the organization must value collaboration and knowledge sharing. This is often the most challenging of the three legs. If your organization does not already have a culture that values collaboration and information sharing, it may be impossible for your E2.0 implementation to be successful. But cultures can be changed. Before we consier changing a culture, let’s be sure we agree on what a culture is. For our purposes, I will define culture as: “The behaviors and values characteristic of a particular group.” Within a culture, we have “mores” and “taboos” (and many other things we won’t go into). Again for our purposes, I will define mores as: “Accepted traditional customs and behaviors of a particular group” and taboos as: “Behaviors proscribed by a group as improper or unacceptable.”
So how do you create a collaborative culture? The group (especially leaders) must adopt the values and behaviors that foster collaboration and information sharing. Leaders must establish mores by modeling and rewarding collaboration. For instance, they should use the blogs and wikis themselves and they could make active collaboration an integral part of the organizations annual performance reviews. The entire organization can use taboos to encourage collaboration. Consider this chastising praise: “That was a great analysis paper you wrote, but why did you email a copy to everyone instead of just posing it on the wiki?” From a leader or a peer, that sort of feedback will help mold a culture of collaboration. Of course cultural change takes time. Take that into account when plan your E2.0 implementation and set expectations accordingly.
The Enterprise 2.0 Three Legged StoolSo there you have the three legged stool of Enterprise 2.0 (or any type of collaboration/knowledge sharing system). Successful E2.0 implementations assure that all three legs of the stool are strong and balanced. They also recognize that a change in any one of the legs may require changes in the other two to keep the stool balanced. To close with a blatant plug, I encourage you to join us at a delivery of the Enterprise 2.0 Bootcamp to learn more about the three legged stool and successful E2.0 implementations.

Posted in: Adapting, Business, Internet

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