
Posts Tagged Web2.0

Learn to Adapt bookmarks for April 23rd through April 28th

These are my links for April 23rd through April 28th:

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for April 22nd through April 23rd

These are my links for April 22nd through April 23rd:

  • Blog Learning : eLearning Technology – Tony's take on the power of blogs as a learning tool. True for established bloggers with the time/incentive to blog and who build up a network of cohorts. But for the average Joe's blogs give reflection opportunities – valuable, but not unigue to blogs.
  • Web 2.0 Expo Preview: Torture by Information Overload – This comes up more and more in the questions at the events I deliver. People are increasingly concerned about the productivity impacts of Web 2.0 platforms. If your employee Twitters all day, does her performance improve?
  • Whitepapers – Building a collaborative workplace – Anecdote lays out a series of steps for developing your organization's collaboration capability and includes a simple test of your current collaboration capability.
  • The Future of Technology: Total Convergence and the “Media Explosion” – Interesting bit of crystal ball gazing about how we will consume media in the future. Lots of interesting extrapolation possibilities about how we may consume knowledge and learning as well!

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for April 16th through April 17th

These are my links for April 16th through April 17th:

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for April 14th through April 15th

These are my links for April 14th through April 15th:

  • WatchingTV Online – Blog I just discovered tracking the move of television to the Web. If their theme is correct, this will be a "threat to big media". No saying how the convergence game will play out, but converge we will!
  • The Mobile Web Was Born Only Yesterday – I agree wholeheartedly with Michael: "So I disagree that The Mobile Web is dead. For many of us it is just coming alive." Just look at the use of mobil outside the US. The future of the Web is a mobile one.
  • Social Aggregators Emerge To Manage Digital Lifestyles [Dion Hinchcliffe’s Web 2.0 Blog] – Dion's wonderfully brief post about the rise of social aggregation. This HAD to happen as social fatigue sets in. These will be a model for the future of managing one of our auxillary brains (our social graph(s))

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for April 2nd through April 6th

These are my links for April 2nd through April 6th:

  • MediaShift | PBS – A great resource regarding the revolution in digital media with detours into journalism and learning. From PBS and hosted by Mark Glaser
  • Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business – A thoughtful look into the future (?) of monetization in a Web based world. The implications for learning and performance are intriguing. If all information and services are "free" then the world is truly flat and only innovation will deliver advantage

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for April 1st through April 2nd

These are my links for April 1st through April 2nd:

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for March 26th

These are my links for March 26th:

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for March 15th through March 17th

These are my links for March 15th through March 17th:

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for March 10th

These are my links for March 10th:

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for March 5th through March 10th

These are my links for March 5th through March 10th:

  • Phun – 2D Physics Sandbox (Cool – Download This!) – What a great example of discovery learning, playing to learn, and "teaching" advanced concepts on the Web (OK – on the computer). If you have a geek-in-training at home, have her (or him) download this and play – boom – instant physics course.
  • Scope of Learning Responsibility (The Learning Circuits Blog) – I hope to have time to respond to this one soon. I think the responsibility of corporate learning organizations is changing as quickly as the way people learn is – all due to the Web. The new responsibility may be curator.
  • The Social Graph: Issues and Strategies in 2008 – Dion does the crystal ball as to the impact of social networks in 2008. Loads of insight and ideas that can easily be extrapolated to learning. Although, I don't agree on fatigue – people will tire of too many profiles and demand integration.
  • From Push to Pull: Emerging Models for Mobilizing Resources – A lengthy but insightful whitepaper from John Hagel and John Seely Brown from way back in October 2005. It begins (?) Hagels continued discussion of the organizational transformation needed to move from push to pull.

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