
Posts Tagged Web2.0

Learn to Adapt bookmarks for February 29th through March 2nd

These are my links for February 29th through March 2nd:

  • The state of RIA moves forward: Ajax, Silverlight, and JavaFX – Another dip in the geek end of the pool, but it is a great overview of current rich Internet application (RIA) tools that will be used to create the more engaging Web sites in the future. A handy bit of learning on Web tech.
  • What Is WOA? It’s The Future of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) – Another article for the tech lover's from Dion Hinchcliffe. It explains the new term he created "WOA" that captures how SOA models need to open up as Web services. For the geekier in your orgs, this means more ways to access info.
  • Cases 2.0 / Cases 2.0 – A great sight where anyone can record Enterprise 2.0 case studies. Only a few there so far, but will give insight into how companies are leveraging collaborative platforms for learning, knowledge sharing, and improved performance.

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for February 27th

These are my links for February 27th:

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Learn to Adapt bookmarks for February 21st

These are my links for February 21st:

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Jeff’s bookmarks for February 14th

These are my links for February 14th:

  • Designing a Web-Based Learning Ecology — Informal Learning Blog – Jay Cross’s thoughts on building an ecology to support informal (and formal) learning. A rich and broad collection of ideas and new learning tools. It touches on much of how Web 2.0 ideals will drive the evolution of Learning 2.0.
  • Web 2.0 and the Evolution of Instructional Design – Jay Cross’s wonderful article melding the ideals of Web 2.0 with instructional design and learning. He covers much of Web 2.0 quite well, but only touches briefly on perhaps the most powerful concept: social learning and crowdsourcing ID
  • When do you stop designing? — Internet Time Blog – Jay Cross weighs in on ISD/ADDIE and how it needs to be flexible based on the content and context. His discussion is circular and what starts are castigation of ADDIE returns to a very ADDIE-like model.

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Jeff’s bookmarks for February 13th through February 14th

These are my links for February 13th through February 14th:

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Jeff’s bookmarks for February 11th

These are my links for February 11th:

  • Learning 2.1 – This is an updated version of the fun site put together for Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County to teach staff about the world of Web 2.0. It is a great resource for people who want a hands-on guided tour of Web 2.0.
  • Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE CONNECT – Broad and thoughtful article from John Seely Brown and Richard P. Adler that pulls together many of the main themes in how the Web is changing the way we learn. Also has a good discussion on learning how to learn.
  • Business Models on the Web | Professor Michael Rappa – This is a great summary of Web business models. Focuses on "front door" models and does not discuss API-based revenue, but some of the model classifications could be further interpreted that way.

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Jeff’s bookmarks for February 8th through February 10th

These are my links for February 8th through February 10th:

  • Generation MySpace Is Getting Fed Up – Another sign that "social fatigue" is accumulating on the Web. The article includes interesting stats on the drop in social network usage. Big implications for the biggest monetization model, advertising. Now people are "partied out" will they still le
  • Social Networking with the Elite – Interesting article that alludes to the probable emergence of elite cliques on the Web. As people become increasingly social-Web savvy, they will naturally seek out exclusive time with peers – just as we always have. From clicks to cliques.
  • eBook: Web 2.0 and Workplace Productivity – Enterprise 2.0 has become mainstream enough that IBM and CMP have jumped on the jargon bandwagon. Both the eBook and the video offer a good overview of emerging E2.0. The eBook is also chock full of interesting stats.

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Jeff’s bookmarks for February 5th

These are my links for February 5th:

  • Obama raises $32 million in January – Yahoo! News – It has only been 15 years since we are at "Internet? What's the Internet?" and now it is the primary force shaping our society. This is especially apparent in this years political process. 88% of Obama's January money came from the Web.
  • Eons: Now You Just Have To FEEL Old To Join – So EONS takes another step towards Arrington's deadpool. I bookmark this for two reasons: EONS was an example of the vertical networks trend we discussed in Web 2.0 University. But now that trend may be reversing as people tire of too many social sites
  • Redfin: The Market-Leading Online Real Estate Brokerage – Redfin is another example of how the Web is disrupting existing business models. Real estate is one of the few remaining "protected rackets" and Redfin is aiming to end that. Since 2/2006, they've reimbursed $12 million to customers.

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