
Learn to Adapt Links for August 24th through August 26th

  • Sakai – Collaboration and Learning Environment for Education – Sakai is a free and open source online Collaboration and Learning Environment. Many users of Sakai deploy it to support teaching and learning, ad hoc group collaboration, support for portfolios and research collaboration.
  • Researchers mull gaming’s impact on learning – The power of game playing in learning is well established. New research shows how it continues to hold true for those "horrible" video games. From the article: "Studies suggest the benefits of playing video games go well beyond thrills. One study even looked at whether playing "World of Warcraft," the world's biggest multiplayer online game, can improve scientific thinking. The conclusion? Certain types of video games can have benefits beyond the virtual thrills of blowing up demons or shooting aliens.

Posted in: Jeff's Bookmarks

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