Posted by Jeff Kelly on April 18, 2014
Do you really know how you are doing?
How to you gather honest feedback on a regular basis to be sure you are getting better that the things that matter to you?
Those are the answers that we are trying to answer, with the new web application we are developing, HowMyDoin:
I have the great pleasure of be one of the co-founders of HowMyDoin. All three of the founders work in organizational development and performance improvement. We all wanted to find something better than standard 360-degree reviews to help people get feedback. We cam together to create a better, simpler, and continuous solution.
HowMyDoin solves the most challenging aspects of giving and receiving feedback. It’s free, flexible, and it allows for continuous, real-time feedback. You can customize HowMyDoin to get the specific feedback that is most valuable to you. And you own all your results—you can take your feedback with you throughout your life. Every free HowMyDoin account includes a standard “good person” survey and any one of the topical surveys (such as “Manager” or “Writer”) from our catalog. And for the people giving feedback, HowMyDoin makes it quick and convenient to give constructive feedback from any PC or mobile device.
HowMyDoin is currently under development. And to help raise funds to get version 1.0 built, we have a KickStarter campaign underway. Please click the logo below to go to our Kickstarter page and support us any way you can:
We greatly appreciate any support you can throw our way! As we continue to develop the application and prepare to launch the beta version, I be sure to post all the latest info.