Sterling was designed and built by an award-winning creative team.

Premium WordPress Theme by TrueThemes
Intuitive Page Editing

Edit your page content right from within the front-end of your website. This simple but powerful addition brings a whole new level of usability to your WordPress site.

Premium WordPress Theme by TrueThemes
Visual Shortcode Manager

Create layouts, insert buttons and employ powerful interface tabs, all from within a simple point-and-click Shortcode Manager built directly into the WordPress visual editor.

Premium WordPress Theme by TrueThemes
Superior Customer Support

Purchase this theme with confidence knowing that we have an entire team dedicated to answering your questions in a professional and timely manner.

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L2A Links for December 11th

Tips for Creating a Successful Community of Practice – Communities of practice have existed within organizations for ma…

L2A Links for November 13th

LearnletsRevisiting 70:20:10 – A key point many of us forget in our ISD: “Another issue, for me, is that 70:20:10 not…