
Posts Tagged barack obama

Word Cloud Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Speech

Marshall Kirkpatrick has put together a very interesting page that does a word cloud analysis of the inaugural speeches of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and others. It is great food for thought to consider the different goals of the speakers and the issues at the time.

Obama\'s Inaugural Speech Word Cloud Analysis

You might also want to check out ReadWriteWeb’s 7 Online Things To Do To Help Obama Restore America blog post.

Posted in: Adapting, Society

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The Inaugural Breakfast Baracktail

Developed as group effort during the chilly walk back from the Obama Inaugural Concert:

  • Whole-bean Kenyan coffee
  • Whole-bean Hawaiian (Kona) decaffeinated coffee (to maintain the “Yes We Can” energy without getting too carried away and upsetting the “No Drama” balance)
  • 1.5 tsp vanilla extract (more vanilla than you expected, eh?)
  • One shot of Kahlua liqueur (please note that “Kahlua” is not Muslim.  Really – it’s not.  Rush Limbaugh lies.)
  • One-half shot of blended Irish whiskey (single-malt whiskeys are not Bono-approved)
  • 4 ounces organic skim milk (preferably from open-range, grass-fed, communally-owned cows that are gently milked while listening to Gregorian chants.)
  • Hawaiian pineapple slices
  • Optional: Chunks of organic ice (preferably chipped from the sidewalks of Chicago’s South Side)


  1. Mix coffee beans, grind, and brew coffee.
  2. Add the vanilla to the pot of coffee.
  3. In an oversize coffee cup, blend the Kahlua, whiskey, and skim milk.
  4. Fill the cup with the brewed coffee.
  5. Garnish cup with pineapple slice
  6. Optional: For those of you who want to feel part of the inaugural cold, allow the coffee to cool and then prepare as above only over Chicago South Side ice chunks in a highball glass.


Posted in: Off Topic

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