Freeing Science
As a scientist, I have been appaled at how politics and fanaticism have run roughshod over facts and reason the last eight years. When I opened the Washington Post this morning, I found that Tom Toles had summed it up very nicely:
Posts Tagged barack obama
As a scientist, I have been appaled at how politics and fanaticism have run roughshod over facts and reason the last eight years. When I opened the Washington Post this morning, I found that Tom Toles had summed it up very nicely:
Marshall Kirkpatrick has put together a very interesting page that does a word cloud analysis of the inaugural speeches of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and others. It is great food for thought to consider the different goals of the speakers and the issues at the time.
You might also want to check out ReadWriteWeb’s 7 Online Things To Do To Help Obama Restore America blog post.
Developed as group effort during the chilly walk back from the Obama Inaugural Concert:
Progressing Through Change
Try out our "assessment based learning" product Progressing Through Change to learn about the change process while assessing how you are progressing through change.