One of the most popular learning programs we deliver is Powerful Presentations. We have been refining it for over 10 years. Originally designed for scientists, it has evolved to provide all learners a proven process to develop and deliver outstanding presentations. It comes in various configurations depending on your organizations needs: from an intense one-day workshop to a rich immersion program comprised of six half-day workshops spread over four weeks. In all the program configurations, learners develop and delivery a presentation using our five-step process and are video-recorder and given personalized feedback to improve.
For more information on the learning program, please see this sorely dated PDF flyer. (Sorry – we are so busy delivering the program, we have no time to update the marketing materials ;o)
Throughout the program we cite additional learning resources that the participants can use to continue their learning beyond the program. This page was created to provide a “one stop shop” for the program participants to access all those resources.
Resources from the program:
- Book: TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
- Book: Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds
- Book: slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations
- Book: The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience
- Book: Edward Tufte: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
- Book: HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations
- TED Talk: Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me
- TED Talk: Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are
- TED Talk: Tom Wujec: 3 ways the brain creates meaning
- TED Talk: Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are
- TED Talk: Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
- TED Talk: Sir Kenneth Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
- TED Talk: Susan Cain: The power of introverts
- YouTube Video: Life After Death by PowerPoint
- YouTube Video: Animating bullet points in PowerPoint
- YouTube Video: How To Do Voice Projection
- YouTube Video: Professional Vocal Warmup
- YouTube Video: How to Stop Translating in Your Head and Start Thinking in English Like a Native
- YouTube Video: How to Improve Spoken American English – Sound like a Native Speaker
- Web Article: 7 Storytelling Techniques Used by the Most Inspiring TED Presenters
- Web Article: Harvard Business Review: Structure Your Presentation Like a Story (includes links to other great posts)
- Web Article: 5 Reasons Why You Need White Space on Your Slides
- Web Article: 4 Fantastic Ways to Learn an American English Accent
- Web Article: Communication in the Real World: Persuasive Strategies
- Web Article: 17 Easy Ways to Be a More Persuasive Speaker
- Mobile App: Orai – Improve Public Speaking (Download for iPhone) (Download for Android)
- Mobile App: Elsa Speak – English Accent Coach (Download for iPhone) (Download for Android)